The proposed name will be fully reserved upon receipt of a duly completed and signed application to register form and following review by the Jersey Ships Registry. All the Jersey Ships Registry forms are available here: British Registry of Ship forms | Ports of Jersey.

If an application to register form has not been received within 90 days, the name reservation will be cancelled with no further notice.

Guidance Notes For Applying For a Name of a Ship

The name must use Roman letters with any numerals being in Roman or European numerals.

The name cannot be so similar to that of an existing name as may cause confusion.

The name must not be confused with a distress signal.

The name must not begin with “The”.

The name must not have a pre-fix or suffix that could be taken to indicate a type of ship eg. “MY” (Motor Yacht).

The name must not cause confusion, offence or embarrassment.

The name must not be connected to the Royal Family.

The name must not be followed by a numeral unless you are and intend to remain the current owner under that name eg. If you own a ship registered under the name “Sally” you can apply for “Sally II”, “Sally III” and so on, but not otherwise.

Owner Contact Details

Applicatant Contact Details